I decided to create this space to share my design work from school, sewing and craft projects, recipes I've tried out, and the little stories of the everyday. I thought it would be nice to start by sharing some photos from my first day of winter break, the day I decided to start this journal.
The morning began with sleeping in late & some tasty egg sandwiches [mine didn't have sausage but this one was more fun to photograph!] My new favorite condiment to put on everything is sriracha and egg sandwiches are brought to a whole new level with this stuff. I'm not someone who normally puts hot sauce [like Tabasco] on my eggs but sriracha is amazing. If you like spicy foods & you are not already on the sriracha train, I strongly suggest you go pick up a bottle!
The lower tip of Manhattan through the snow, as seen from our balcony.
From here you can see our lower neighbors' much larger balconies. I was jealous of the snow that they were able to accumulate -- I would definitely make a snowman if I had one of those balconies.

I made some fudge as gifts for Rich's nieces & nephews & for the people who work in our building. I used this recipe from Heidi Swanson's blog 101 Cookbooks. I just received her cookbook Super Natural Cooking for my birthday from my dad & I'm super excited about trying a bunch of the recipes in it!
The fudge: all wrapped up.
Rich enjoyed the leftover scraps left in the pan after I cut up the fudge.
Later that night, I met up with my good friend Raven and her dad to go to her class show [she's in the Fine Arts department at Parsons]. We grabbed some awesome sushi at my favorite Japanese restaurant from my old neighborhood, Mizu.
Inside Raven's cozy, peaceful fort, her contribution to the show. I am so proud of this girl & the work she has done this year!
My snowy walk home later that night along the water.
I hope you'll stop back again as I update with progress on teaching myself how to crochet, attempts at bread-baking, & the sewing of my senior thesis collection!